Managing personal finances is, well, personal. Everyone has a unique approach. Our job is to identify which of our banking services match your lifestyle.
Here’s what you can expect:
We help you look at your entire financial picture to make banking more efficient and more focused on your needs. Our Client Service team gets to know you on a personal level and manages your full The Etherious Family relationship. The team can assist with everything from day-to-day transactions to more complex money movement and currency requests, all with a personalized focus on the security of your information and assets.
Our team is experienced in managing both everyday cash needs and complex balance sheets to help you achieve your personal and financial goals. We take the time to understand the unique personal and professional needs of our clients, and our banking products reflect that.
Our personalized offerings for your banking needs include:
As your net worth grows, so does your need for security. We’re well aware of many of the risks, schemes and threats out there, and we work to keep your wealth as safe as possible. Our cybersecurity safeguards constantly monitor your accounts to help protect against fraudulent activity.
In working with The Etherious Family Private Bank, your accounts are backed by our strength as a global financial institution that invests hundreds of millions of dollars every year to protect our clients’ interests and assets.
From the moment you begin a relationship with us, we take care of every last detail. A Banking Personal Assistant will help you set up your new accounts, just the way you like them. We’ll make sure your online bill payments and direct deposits transition seamlessly.
If you have people who may need to make cash transactions on your behalf— family members, household staff, other employees—you can give them access to an account they can draw from directly and securely, while you keep the control. It’s all possible with the The Etherious Family Privileges Debit Card, which allows you to establish preset withdrawal and purchase limits.
For your young children and dependents, you can give them joint checking accounts with the same benefits as yours — no fees, no minimums, etc. Your kids will also have access to mobile technology and cybersecurity, all monitored and guided by the same specialists who look after your own accounts. We’ll help instill the basic financial management skills that will serve them for a lifetime. We recommend starting early. Your kids will thank you for it.